
User talk:弗識吳語伯


「弗識吳語伯」个讲张。望大家侪搭吾改改文章,这样子,吾个吴语水平就有得提高。谢谢 !!


“阿拉”是复数兼领属格,所以此地弗宜用该个词。可以讲:我个母语是粤语,箇咾用起来感觉邪气顺当。──Lieukehli 21:37, 31 七月 2007 (UTC)

请用简体 ==

喂,该是吴语中国百科。我们应该用简体字。谢谢。 23:12, 11 十二月 2007 (UTC)

OK ! I TRY MY BEST !! 粵人

兄台勒辣澳大利亚啥地方?侬看过吾写进去个森理世花岗岩岛伐? Amor

花岡岩島富劳里友半岛我去哉。吾也邪氣歡喜寫寫文言文地理文章 -- Category:澳大利亞地方志
與君是同好,嘿嘿。 粵人

嘿嘿,原来是维克多利亚州,吾蛮欢喜VB Victoria Bitter个搭仔Great Ocean Road Amor




地域 名称 韩语 首府 人口 面积 二级行政区 号头
京畿 首尔特別市 서울 특별시 中区 9,853,972 606 25 区 1
京畿道 경기도 水原市 8,937,752 10,136 27市 4郡 20区 8
仁川广域市 인천 광역시 南洞区 2,466,338 958 8区 2郡 4
江原 江原道 강원도 春川市 1,484,536 16,536 7市 11郡 9
全罗 全罗北道 전라 북도 全州市 1,887,239 8,047 6市 8郡 2区 12
全罗南道 전라 남도 务安郡(南岳) 1,994,287 11,956 5市 17郡 13
光州广域市 광주 광역시 东区 1,350,948 501 5区 5
庆尚 庆尚北道 경상 북도 大邱广域市 2,716,218 19,021 10市 13郡 2区 14
庆尚南道 경상 남도 昌原市 2,970,929 751 10市 10郡 2区 15
釜山广域市 부산 광역시 莲堤区 3,655,437 886 15区 1郡 2
大邱广域市 대구 광역시 中区 2,473,990 886 7区 1郡 3
蔚山广域市울산 광역시南区1,012,1101,0564区 1郡7
忠清 忠清北道충청 북도清州市1,462.6217,4333市 8郡 2区10
忠清南道충청 남도大田广域市1,840,4108,5906市 9郡11
大田广域市대전 광역시中区1,365,9615405区6
济州 济州特別自治道제주특별자치도济州512,5411,8462市16


望着侬编辑个文章艾尔玛善(Almazán),觉察搿个翻译太英文化,弗符合吴语拼音搭仔西班牙语系发音,吾倾向搿只名字:阿嘞玛桑 Amor



新年好!侬勒勒巴黎,还是侬姐姐勒勒巴黎? Amor

原来侬姐姐勒勒93省。。。一般伊俚侪弗叫巴黎哉。。。顶多大巴黎。。。哈哈 里昂夏天热个,因为装空调。。。。。热萨可以去victoria有个山浪去白相,号称南半球alpes山。。。 目前冻萨脱哉,勒屋里向还好。 Amor


弗晓得兄台会弄搿只物事伐?吴语大使馆 http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Embassy


可惜吾弄勿来电脑方面,弗会弄大使馆吴语版。。。。。蛮好,机器人写出来快,但是需要修改。用英文直接翻译,嘿嘿。有兴趣个说法,侬可以加吾msn,zindeus@hotmail.com kilmore学堂蛮好,希望吾有机会望望去。

凡合乃从(法文:Vernaison),里昂北部个城镇。。。。。。搭市中心有电车15号线连。 现在仍呒么电车15号线,是15号公交

加速翻译速度!!挺进1000,但是为啥最最封面浪,鼠标揿到吴语,为得出来Wú Yǔ? 可以改脱伊伐?

吴语人一般弗讲“老外”。。。一般“外国人”,老外发音困难 lo-nga...不过在澳洲,叫 鬼佬,鬼魅,觉得满难听的。太丑化了。



en:Group 3 element搭 en:Period 3 element有啥區別? °° GROUP 3是周期表纵向,PERIOD 3是横向。


some issues[编辑]

侬是个化學老師伐 no, im not a chemistry teacher and i dont know what is the no 109 element.

As to "Bollywood" 國文:“寶萊塢”、粵文:“玻里活”。 Why not 曝璃塢 similar to Bolihwoo “宝” is rather po...

還有,句末个語氣詞“”字我認為該加个口字旁勒左邊,粵文里向該類字實在是交關多多!! I think it should be with a mouth, but from our input system, the one without the mouth is more practical.

A Good News !! 乃興“吴语百科”浪超過仔400个条目。 Well done...well but it leaves us at the same time a lot of work to do as well--correction of the information. Anyway we have time to do that. Thank you. Auctually i was surprised a bit:).


右图是肌红蛋白 个3D(立体)结构,有颜色个部分代表个是α螺旋 。搿个蛋白质个结构首先拨Max Perutz 搭John Cowdery Kendrew 爵士勒1958年通过X光 结晶技术发现,居使得伊俚获得了诺贝尔 化学奖。 蛋白质个英文 单词 protein (来源于希腊文protas ,意思是“最重要”),中文名取“蛋白质”是因为蛋白质是鸡蛋个主要成分。头一下子使用protein是勒到一封1838年6月10号Jöns Jakob Berzelius 寄拨Gerhardus Johannes Mulder 个信当中。

勒信里向,伊写道:(法语 )

«Le nom protéine que je vous propose pour l’oxyde organique de la fibrine et de l’albumine, je voulais le dériver de πρωτειοξ, parce qu'il paraît être la substance primitive ou principale de la nutrition animale.»

“吾建议侬用protein搿个名字指纤维蛋白 搭血白蛋白 个有机氧化物 。吾想搿个名字应该从希腊文πρωτειοξ引申起来,因为伊象是动物 营养物最原始或者是最主要个物质 ”。。。。。。















Another discussion[编辑]

1) 仲有:乃興个Bollywood姓鮑啦, Yeah! 鮑 is bau, its the right answer, 宝 is pau..

2) 勒法國言語里向 -- by the way 啥个說法? by the way in french is “Dis Donc” 发音:地洞(吴语)

3) So you got some new brothers Real Estate Australia and R.E.A? hehe quite fun. And you are living in Adelaide now, not Melbourne? By the way, i made some sushis for my friends and myself, yummy.



& more to come - 公元663年公元2033年。  
& 1℃ 溫度至 300℃溫度。  
  命名浪个爭議呀 !!
  • 呵呵,侬要建立个公元。。年到公元。。年,是大事记伐?
  • 我准备建巴黎地铁1-14号线
  • 化學元素 #1 至 #111 末,吾也准备补充补充。
  • SUSHI吾是自家做个,弗是买个,吾记得澳洲Adelaide有个店Simply Sushi,勒Glenelg海滩有分店。认得一个日本人勒该店里向做工。另外,Masala吾朆吃过。怕辣AmorTandoori蛮好吃个,搭墨西哥鸡肉卷差勿多。
  • 刚刚望着 乃興“吴百”浪有982个条目哉
  • did you eat Laksa(辣克萨) before, singaporean food, very hot.

Norway Page[编辑]

兄台新年可好啊? 吾非常好,吃火锅、汤圆、酒酿、饺子。。。侬肯定新年也过仔好来交关?澳洲华人多,活动多。

在法國看得挪威台 (NRK) 搭春晚伐。 该两个物事,吾侪么兴趣!

吾个Español邪次,望兄堂幫幫忙弄成吴语---Nynorsk Wikipedia。 DONE


看仔台灣个地圖,新竹市似乎弗是太平洋沿海个城市。 The whole taiwan is on the coast of the pacific.

噢,地洞——伊个電影:Marigold:An Adventure in India 里向有兩大主角:Salman Khan 搭 Alison Elizabeth Larter,翻譯做啥名好呢??
My suggestion -- 少尔芒·康 & 艾利森·伊利石卜斯
Cool - Thank you mate !!! R.E.A.

Number of articles[编辑]

I wish we could be as many as Cantonese wikipedia as we have almost same speakers. Enjoy yourself with your température.

I will start with Thai and Indian letters soon after I enter the 1000℃ temperature. 哈哈哈!! A: Thats promising and I wonder if you can add using robot the years like 1999年 etc, then we can get another 公元前1000年 公元后3000年 at least 4000 articles, what do you think. I find we are so evil now, hahaha.

        [吳語啥辰光變Wu-Yu哉?] , 至今整一個月嘸撥人來哉。正常么? 莫非紅茶里向有沙斯菌,人喝完茶侪病倒哉? 箇佬吾今日勒伊浬試驗一暇。。。。 A: You are so evil, haha. People are not interested now cause really few people use it and even those who want to edit the wikipedia, they get frustrated for that. All the people are busy. Anyway i will rather take it as my personal blog hehe.

New subj[编辑]

  • 麻煩倷幫幫吾眼看看法蘭西人勒Le Bistro里向說个啥。

I think they suggest you see http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%A9mographie_de_la_France and just some bla bla bla...

  • 昨天看仔吾有兩篇拔提名刪除,其中一篇是吳文版个翻版——細芭榭滴

One thing that I don't understand is that why they wanna delete your article? By the way are you a girl are a boy? I saw your page in Chinese wikipedia.

  • Hey, last question for tonight:呐咯弄嘎——吾有寫錯嘸?

Actually I don't know what is 呐咯弄嘎

Temas interesantes[编辑]

  • 法国搭泰国面积人口差勿多伐?但是一个天浪一个地下!!法国个缺点是只有巴黎一个中心,太集中,弗像德国到处开花。
  • 哈哈,加油到14000,愚人节笑话,吓死别个wikipedia。
  • 妹媳不哭 是啥意思? ————伊是句法语伐!!?。。。。
  • 还有1月1号之类(历史浪个今朝)也可以有365篇!
  • 本人虽然不算美女。。。这句话就是说你是凡女。。。。隐含意义。


http://wuu.chped.com/w/index.php?title=User_talk:%E5%BC%97%E8%AD%98%E5%90%B3%E8%AA%9E%E4%BC%AF&action=edit&section=16 正在编辑User talk:弗識吳語伯(段落) - Wikipedia could you have a look at Template:美国地图含州名 I have already uploaded an image there, but always it gave me this: <imagemap>: 图像不正确或者不存在 Is the programme language <imagemap> I think there is nothing wrong cause the english version is the same word

I will try to use the clickable map in India as an example. Good luck !!
  • Finally i did it, cause there was an unexpected sentense in middle of the numbers. now its okey.
  • I dont know what is Weapons of Match Destruction ...i heard of weapons of mass destruction, but not MATCH. If you saw this film before, you can add the title.
  • 豈止365篇??...I mean only the days, not ..年..月...号...thats too repetitive. I think ..月..号 is enough for record history.
 Ok, this is off by now . . .
  • 節棍 means very
  • Dis donc, what is 冇得倾?


  • 啥是"交关大学"? 交关 means in Wu language "Many or much" 交关
  • 勒吴语里叫伊:??西洋棋??國際象棋??? I think both is okey, as i dont know how people call it neither, for my i call it 國際象棋
  • Marion Cotillard ——倷看翻譯成啥頂好?? I prefer 玛丽咏 高帝娅
  • Out of my curiosity —— 倷翻成啥:Gibraltor,Sydney,Melbourne,Brisbane maybe 悉尼 曼而步俉 孛里士朋 and i dont know what is Gibraltor. If its a name for a place I prefer 极孛拉而滔.

lets do the date and years[编辑]

Hi this is still Amor. I think the temperature is enough for our life. What about then the years and dates? hehe

  • N.B. As we know we can have years like -1000 until 3000 and also we can have 吴越勒公元前1000 until 吴越勒3000年 that doubles the number!

Date and year project[编辑]

Hi, how is everything going there, you seem to disappear, are you busy working or you are on holiday. And it is expected that on the 1st april, wu wikipedia can have 15000 articles. I think it can't be realised now.






renaming an account[编辑]


I have seen that you renamed your user pages. This does not make the account renamed !

If you want an account to be renamed, it's possible with a bureaucrat. As it seem I will soon be a bureacrat, I will be able to make account renaming.

I cancelled your renaming. If you want your account be renamed, please ask me


--Hercule Talk 2008年12月8日 (礼拜一) 10:54 (UTC)