
User talk:Purodha


ksh:Metmaacher Klaaf:Purodha

Level 5[编辑]

Thank you for deleting my mistaken level 5 template even before I could mark it for deletion! --Purodha 2009年8月20日 (礼拜四) 15:02 (UTC)

You're welcome.
I also modified your templates to sort them at the beginning of the category.
--Hercule Talk 2009年8月20日 (礼拜四) 15:03 (UTC)
Good. Thank you. --Purodha 2009年8月20日 (礼拜四) 15:06 (UTC)

Babel categories[编辑]

You deleted Category:User ko-3 which has a user page, though. Is something wrong with the Babel category names? Should I not have created the categories, that I made? --Purodha 2009年8月20日 (礼拜四) 16:26 (UTC)

It was a mistake, the name you gave are corrects. --Hercule Talk 2009年8月20日 (礼拜四) 21:19 (UTC)

Your account will be renamed[编辑]

2015年3月20日 (五) 08:48 (UTC)